Reformed Forum

The biggest possible tip-o-the-hat goes to Paul, who introduced me to the treasure trove of reformed audio that is, which seems to be somewhat analogous to MR/WHI, except for being more Westminster East-student/alumni-driven, rather than WSCAL-faculty-driven, and all on the interwebs, rather than largely print/radio.

They’ve got so much material there, it boggles my mind! Apparently the flagship program is Christ the Center, a weekly podcast stretching back to Jan 2008. Two of the most recent episodes feature Fesko on his new book about baptism (recently pumped here), and Trueman and Lillback discussing Christianity and Politics. And beyond Christ the Center, there are also separate entire series on church history, philosophy, Christocentric sermons, readings of classic reformed literature, and more! (It’s enough to make me jealous…)

If (like me) you hardly know where to start listening, you might want to check out this innovative series on Christ & Culture, including the contrasting perspectives of Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson, Nelson Kloosterman, and Bill Dennison. Or, check out the most popular episodes by starting at the top of their 2010 Championship Bracket (OHS RSC’s discussion of RRC came in second)! Or, if you have limited time, you can always start with their series of their own best clips, Reformed Forum Express.

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll see you all later in a couple years, after 1000 or so hours of audio from

This entry was posted in DG Hart, Doug Wilson, Friday fun, Outhouse Quick Hits, Resources. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Reformed Forum

  1. Paul M. says:


    I am glad to see that the link under my name doesn’t work. For a moment I thought you had usurped Zrim’s ban on favorably linking to Reformed blogs that don’t share his particular brand of 2K.

    (Some will call me a jerk, Italians will call me a ball buster.)

  2. Zrim says:

    Paul, fixed. You’re welcome. (But what are you talking about? If I’d send my kids to transformationist colleges then what makes you think there is some ban on favorably linking to Reformed blogs that don’t share my particular brand of 2K?)

  3. RubeRad says:

    Whoops? Not sure what happened, but there’s a lot of links in there, and one or two may yet not work. The Fall continues to provide us with entropy…

  4. Paul says:

    Zrim, I think you failed to read my parenthetical comment, and here I thought you watched Sopranos. I know you said you usually don’t read my comments, so I tried to make that one really short for you. Anyway, you send you kids to transformationalist colleges, but that doesn’t mean you favorably approve of them. Similarly, I didn’t say you don’t link to others that don’t share your particular brand of 2K, I said you don’t favorably link to them.

  5. Pingback: The Best Thing to Happen to Lutheranism Since Calvinism « The Confessional Outhouse

  6. reformedcast says:

    At the risk of being shamelessly self-promoting, we have a podcast at, as well. Some 2K interviews already and lots more scheduled over the next few months.

  7. RubeRad says:

    Hey, thanks for sharing! In a few weeks I’ll be all caught up on Table Talk Radio and able to check it out!

  8. Rob H says:

    I just listened to a couple of these this week. Neato. A lot of it was over my head (Like 98% of the philosophy episode). Thanks for lettin’ that one out.

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