Confessions and Catechisms

The two bodies of confessional material held by the Outhouse Saints and Sitters.

Scripture proofs are linked to BibleGateway, and there are HTML anchors per “item” (as appropriate, i.e. questions, paragraphs, articles, or whatever). For our authors, you can reference any particular anchor very succinctly. In the dialog box for the WordPress editor’s link button, you don’t need ‘http://’, you don’t even need ‘’. For WCF chapter 20, just type /cc/wcf#c20. In a similar way, you can refer to an individual paragraph, like /cc/wcf#c16p5. Larger and shorter catechism questions can be similarly referenced: i.e. /cc/lc#q97 or /cc/sc#q33.

BCF has an anchor for each article (/cc/bcf#a29), HCF has an anchor for each question (/cc/hc#q32) and each Lord’s Day (/cc/hc#ld6). CoD has anchors for each Head (/cc/cd#h34), each article (/cc/cd#h1a9), each Head’s “Rejection of Errors” section (/cc/cd#h2e), each individual error (/cc/cd#h5e6), and the conclusion (/cc/cd#c).

5 Responses to Confessions and Catechisms

  1. Metokos says:

    At the PCA assembly – during the Overtures Committee discussions – the question was raised as to what the Divines meant by the term ‘True Religion’. The argument was presented – without references – that they were themselves badly divided about the meaning. Anyone out there have any evidence one way or the other?


  2. Waltfu says:

    Since the CRC is seriously considering adding the Belhar Confession to the 3 forms of Unity, are you going to post that here? 🙂

  3. Zrim says:


    Maybe. But addressing the goings on of the CRC can get wearisome.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I hear ya. That’s why I got out a while ago. It’s lonely out here in SE Michigan as a confessionalist.

  5. Waltfu says:

    I hear ya. That’s why I got out a while ago. It’s lonely out here in SE Michigan as a confessionalist.

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