The Best Movies of the 90s. The Best!

I was going to share my list of great movies from 2008 to celebrate the new year, but as I reflected on the films of 2008 my thoughts turned to the best movies from the best decade for movies. So here is my list of best movies from the nineteen-nineties:

The Muted Heart Stars Glenn Close and Sally Field. My wife dragged me to this movie right after we got engaged. I wanted to see Firestorm.

Prognosis Negative One of the best movies of the 90’s no matter who you ask.

Chunnel A classic. “Everybody out of the Chunnel!” And who can forget this dramatic line; “Mr. President, your daughter is in the Chunnel.” One should neither laugh nor lie while watching this film.

Sack Lunch This film was overlooked because it was released around the same time as The English Patient. I saw this as the in-flight movie on a trip to Tunisia. Dabney Coleman stars.

Blimp: The Hindenburg Story Like Titanic we know how it ends, and boy does it hurt! I tried to see this on Puerto Rico day but some jerk with a laser pointer ruined it for me.

CheckMate Also a classic. “The King is always in jeopardy.” Only a game? We had a hard time getting everyone to the theater at the same time to see this one. About half as good as Ponce de León.

Rochelle, Rochelle A young girl’s strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk. A foreign movie…a film, is what it is. It was later made into a Broadway musical starring Bette Midler. Then Bette was in that horrible softball accident and the show lost steam. Warning: Sideal nudity.rochelle

Mountain High An R-Rated film starring Kevin Bacon and Susan Sarandon. “There’s no higher place than Mountain High.”

Flaming Globes of Sigmund I often dreamt about a scene from this sci-fi classic; “It’s just as you prophesied! The planets of our solar system, incinerating. Like flaming globes, Sigmond. Like flaming globes.”

Death Blow I saw a bootlegged version of this film. Quite action-packed. Do not miss the Death Blow!

Blame it on the Rain I saw this when Means to and End was sold out. My disappointment didn’t last long, I really enjoyed it.

Cold Fusion Saw it alone because my friend was working late that night. He missed a great movie.

The Pain and the Yearning A 192-minute film. An old woman experiences pain and yearning. One of Vincent’s picks. Much better than Weekend at Bernie’s II(a Gene pick).

Means to an End I did finally get to see it. It helps to have an attractive woman with you. It lived up to all the hype.deathblow

The Other Side of Darkness This one went straight to video but I thought it was brilliant. It featured some woman in a coma and her husband played by Eric Roberts. The film is long and concludes with the woman regaining consciousness. Before I saw this movie I didn’t know it was possible to come out of comas.

Ponce de León Much better than Prognosis Negative which came out around the same time but to less fanfare. The film concerns the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León and his mythical search for the Fountain of Youth. The most memorable and emotional scene is when Ponce and his men splash around in the supposed Fountain of Youth, only to realize later that it didn’t work. Twice as good as CheckMate. My favorite explorer is still de Soto.

Cry, Cry Again You cry, then you see the dancer, and you cry again. The dancer doesn’t seem to fit but I liked it anyway.

Firestorm. This movie has it all, Harrison Ford jumping out of a plane shooting back up at it while falling, the underwater escape, and that helicopter landing on top of a car. It’s one heck of a picture. Not to be confused with the movie of the same name starring Howie Long.

Honorable mention:

Agent Zero

Brown-Eyed Girl

Chow Fun

Cupid’s Rival

About Rick

I am not my own
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7 Responses to The Best Movies of the 90s. The Best!

  1. Michael says:

    I couldn’t resist “Sack Lunch”, when I saw the people in the big paper bag I thought, how did they get in there? The poster really sold me.

  2. Zrim says:

    “Why don’t you just tell me the movie” you think is the best?

  3. RubeRad says:

    This is quite an impressive collection, but they all pale in comparison to Schindler’s List!

  4. Jacob says:

    Death Blow, when someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are but because of different reasons all together!

    What a great list. Made my day.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great movie to make out with your girlfriend too…

  6. Pooka says:

    Never saw any of these. Heard of Firestorm. Quizzed my Pop-In-Law and he’d only heard of one, seen none.

  7. Sajiky says:

    Is a joke, all fake movies from seinfeld. Firestorm being a real move is a coincidence as the real movie was made after the seinfeld mention.

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