Horton Wants YOU

I WANT YOU...r money …to support his kids’ school! And since it’s also my kids’ school, I share that same goal.

Just like last year, The Cambridge School is having a super-raffle. No macrame plant-holders or peanut-butter-coconut cream pies here; this raffle has 50 prizes, ranging from $100 all the way up to a 3-year lease on a BMW 528i. Accordingly, tickets are $25 each. To sweeten the pot, the raffle imposed a cap of 5000 tickets, so each ticket has a 1/100 chance of winning some prize, and if fewer tickets are sold, then the chances of winning are commensurately better.

The early-bird drawing has already occurred (Nov 6), and the grand prize drawing is coming up fast (Dec 5), and coming up even faster is the deadline for purchasing tickets: 4pm (Pacific), Dec 2. It is possible to print out a form, and fax it with a credit card number for instant purchase; or you still have a day or two to mail a check and have it arrive on time.

So please help out a good cause and buy a ticket or four. I wish you good luck providence!

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7 Responses to Horton Wants YOU

  1. Zrim says:

    Wow, Beamers.

    We public schoolers are way more theology of the crossers. Instead of holding out false hopes of shiny new cars, our fundraisers promise coffee mugs with kid art.

  2. Aunt Barbara says:

    I’ve known about this for a while thanks to T’s email (that I just frankly ignored as I whizzed about my duties)….how about we just send a check for your school in your Christmas letter????

  3. RubeRad says:

    That would be lovely, thanks, but if you want, I could do your paperwork for you. How about you send me an email offline?

  4. RubeRad says:

    At last we private school snobs know that it’s spelled “Beemer”!

  5. Zrim says:

    At last we private school snobs know that it’s spelled “Beemer”!

    You can spell “Beemer” right but not “least”? More glory and cross, I guess.

  6. drollord says:

    Is a raffle gambling in your eyes?

  7. RubeRad says:


    But then again, as Ned Flanders teaches us, so is home insurance.

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