Who Hears a Horton (in Little Geneva)?



A friend of mine at church is a Baker blue-blood. He has given me some scoop on an author event Baker Bookhouse will be hosting:

On Thursday, March 26 at 7 PM Michael Horton will be plugging Christless Christianity. Baker will be discounting authors’ books by 20%. There is no fee, seating is first come, first served and in the music department at the East Paris store. (I believe this will just before the Philadelphia Conference at Byron Center CRC.)

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12 Responses to Who Hears a Horton (in Little Geneva)?

  1. Rick says:

    Is this Horton coast to coast day at the OH?

    I will be there. How ’bout tippin a few at La Cantina before hand?

    Now I feel like I need to post an event.

  2. RubeRad says:

    I think we should turn this comment thread into a caption competition for the T-shirt that Z should wear in the front row. My nomination:

    “Christless Education”

    (Perhaps preceded by “I [heart]”)

  3. Zrim says:


    You know, I’ve never been there. It’s a date.


    Yuk-yuk. I’m more a back row kind of guy. Besides, I would get a much bigger kick out of wearing a “I heart NYC (and wouldn’t change a thing)” tee shirt to a Tim Keller lecture.

  4. RubeRad says:

    See, you do want to make Horton happy!

  5. Rick says:

    Z, La Cantina has beers at low prices on tap in the basement. Maybe we should shoot for afterward and try to bring the Hort with us.

    Rube, print that shirt and mail it to Zrim.

  6. Rick says:

    I’d wear one of these to a Doug Wilson lecture.

  7. Todd says:

    “Doug Wilson lecture”

    Somewhere in there is an oxymoron.

  8. mboss says:

    Speaking of Dr. Horton’s trip to GR, are any members of the Outhouse attending the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology later that week?

  9. Zrim says:

    I sort of doubt it myself. Why, are you?

  10. mboss says:

    I am. I’m not much of a conference goer, but this struck my fancy.

  11. mboss says:

    Also, Dr. Horton’s rumored Baker Bookhouse appearance is scheduled for the same time as an event at Calvin Sem hosted by the “Returning Church” with Dr. Kevin DeYoung as guest speaker. Sounds like a busy weekend in GR.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Byron Center CRC, an ironic place if you ask me, trying to bring “reformed” to the CRC while at the same time doing Beth Moore bible studies on the Book of Daniel (pre-mil dispie).


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